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Growing wisdom tooth: laser treatment

Dr. Jaffaly Haled

Dr. Jaffaly Haled

D.M.D international dental degree
Owner & Manager of Dante Dental clinic TLV

A growing wisdom tooth can be one big nightmare, especially if it is trapped under a layer of gums that causes inflammation in the area and severe pain. Gingivectomy over a growing wisdom tooth (Operculectomy) is an intervention that occurs specifically to help the wisdom tooth erupt in the jaw, an intervention that occurs under local anesthesia and involves the removal of the gums that cover the wisdom tooth and prevent it from erupting and causing severe inflammation and pain.

Gingival excision over a growing wisdom tooth is performed in the following situations:

  • If the wisdom tooth is covered only by gums.
  • If the position of the wisdom tooth is preferred, which will allow it to erupt properly, without in any way interfering with the adjacent teeth.

How will you know that you need an intervention to treat a growing wisdom tooth?

  • Pain during chewing.
  • mouth full of saliva.
  • Inflammation of the local lymph nodes.
  • Restriction opening the mouth.
  • Mouth odor (food that collects and ferments between the gums and the growing tooth)

Growing wisdom tooth: Laser treatment:

A dentist can use a laser to remove the inflamed gums. After local anesthesia is given, the laser is held near the target tissue. Through laser pulses, the target tissue is detached and removed. The dentist should make sure that the tooth enamel is not damaged by the laser to prevent damage to the tooth. Once all the gum tissue covering the growing wisdom tooth has been removed, bleeding is stopped with the help of the laser as well as disinfection and bio-stimulation for more convenient and faster healing.

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The rationale behind using lasers includes:

  • The excellent mosquito effect is of great value allowing the surgeon to work with better vision.
  • Minimum patient discomfort.
  • Reducing postoperative pain.
  • Less time in the dentist’s chair.
  • Shorter and more effective healing time.
  • Reduction in edema and postoperative bleeding.

Instructions After Laser Growth Wisdom Treatment:

The patient must carefully follow the dentist’s instructions, because the problems that may occur afterwards are much more severe than the pain with which he started, the risk of infection is high!

  • The patient should not smoke.
  • Eat soft and cold food for 3 days.
  • Do mouthwashes or saline to disinfect the area.
  • Arrive for examination a week later.
  • In general, after laser treatment, no antibiotics are needed.

Laser treatment of a growing wisdom tooth is recommended in order to prevent bacterial plaque culture, confinement of food debris and the development of tooth decay. Also avoid the appearance of pockets in the gums that later affect the rest of the teeth.


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